Top 5 Digital Marketing Apps. See, How They Can Boost Productivity

Ahmed Baig
3 min readApr 5, 2021

Imagine what your life would be without coffee. If you’re not a fan, imagine what the world would be like without that intoxicating scent or the words “coffee bonkers” in every social media manager’s Twitter bio. The discovery of this delicious elixir dates back to the 10th century when someone came up with the idea of ​​adding water to coffee beans that had roasted after falling into a fire.

The percolators were then born (1818), then the espresso machine (1822), as well as what became the most common device, the electric coffee maker (1954). Subsequently, the world of coffee changed when Nestle developed the first single-dose system in 1976: a devilishly efficient process.

The moral of this story? Even if suitable systems already exist, there may still be a need to speed things up. When it comes to social media, the arrival of new tools and applications is an opportunity for you to boost your productivity. In this article, we’ll introduce you to our top digital marketing apps that you might have used or have on your phone book.


Evernote is a note-taking app with which you can create to-do lists, save pictures, schedule reminders, and more.

Evernote can integrate with multiple platforms, bringing a new dimension to your notes — your ideas go with you everywhere. Use it to take notes during a brainstorming session, which you will share with your social media management team, or save images from accompanying your next social media posts.


Whether you’re working as an individual, keeping tabs on multiple teams in various locations, or managing an inter-house project, Slack is up to the task.

This highly scalable app helps you in communication and inhibits time-consuming misunderstandings.

Hemingway App

With the Hemingway app, improve your writing skills and write publications that combine clarity and quality (for content in English). This tool highlights any confusing or too long sentences, grammatical errors, or even the use of the passive voice.

Pro Tip: Copy your text from the editor and paste it into the Hemingway application to identify areas for improvement.

Using the appropriate tools can make all the difference in a social media manager’s day-to-day life.

Whether you need help creating an image, sharing files, or writing the best post for Facebook, the apps featured above will give you a boost in posting content that will generate maximum engagement.


Once you’ve created or retrieved your images, don’t let your productivity run out of steam by spending a lot of time finding them to add to your posts. Instead, use Dropbox to keep all your files in one place, accessible from all your devices.

Dropbox also makes it easy to share large files with your teammates quickly — you can post your next video to your Facebook page without waiting for an endless file transfer to complete


Assume you have a vast library of audiobooks and want to let your library with you on your drive, to the gym, or even to tune out the subsequent conference call. In that situation, the Audible app keeps your Amazon-purchased audiobooks with you wherever you are going to be.



Ahmed Baig

Ahmed is a copywriter who has the ability to change the lives of others by creating beautiful content for their websites, blogs, and social media.